The Bishops' Chambers is a unique complex of ancient Russian civil architecture, located on the territory of the Suzdal Kremlin and under the management of the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve. At the end of the 17th century, on the site of the ancient courtyard of the Suzdal spiritual rulers, next to the 13th century Nativity Cathedral, a majestic e
Interesting places: Historical building - Page 3
The Gostiny Dvor arcade in Veliky Novgorod is a significant historical structure that embodies the architectural heritage of the city. Initially, Gostiny Dvor was built at the end of the 17th century and had a fortification function, representing a square with two towers. At the end of the 18th century, during reconstruction, the complex was depri
Ivan Alekseevich Bunin, a famous Russian writer and poet, was born in 1870 in Voronezh. After the death of his grandmother, his family moved to an estate in the village of Ozerki, Lipetsk region, where Ivan spent his childhood. He studied at the Yeletsk district gymnasium, and then switched to home schooling under the guidance of his older brother.
This amazing building on Frunze Street in Samara, which has stood since 1881-1882, has a rich history and is associated with outstanding personalities. Originally built by order of Staff Captain A.I. Werner, it later became the property of Alexei Apollonovich Bostrom, stepfather of Alexei Tolstoy. The house itself, which consisted of two wooden ho
The history of the house, located at the intersection of Alexei Tolstoy and Pionerskaya streets in Samara, is shrouded in mystery and important events. Its architectural style, late modernism and use of heavy Northern Art Nouveau forms make it a notable and unique property. Built at the beginning of the 20th century for the wealthy grain merchant
The mansion of the titular councilor Neronov, built in 1840 according to the design of the architects N.G. Telitsyn. and Volkova L.A., is a significant cultural heritage site of federal significance in Samara. This house has retained its pre-revolutionary appearance and is one of the few buildings whose facade has remained unchanged since its const
In the historical center of Samara, on Alexey Tolstoy Street, there are a number of old mansions that testify to the rich history of this area. The street, formerly known as Dvoryanskaya, became famous for its luxurious residences built by Samara's noble families. It is interesting to note that the layout of the city in the past included a clear cl
The estate of Alfred F. von Vacano on Rabochaya Street in Samara is truly one of the significant architectural sites of the city. Built in the German Art Nouveau style, this house is a fine example of early 20th century architecture. The preserved exterior decoration and decorative elements inside the building give it a special charm and make it a
The project for the construction of the former Assembly of the Nobility was created by academician of architecture A.P. Bryullov, brother of the famous artist Karl Bryullov. General I.F. Blaramberg, who arrived in Orenburg in the year the construction of the building was completed, expresses his opinion about its authorship. The description of the
The building of the Samara State Philharmonic, as it can be seen today, was constructed on the site of the former Olimp Circus Theater. This circus was built in 1907 according to the design of architect Platon Vasilyevich Shamansky and was located closer to the intersection of modern-day Frunze and L. Tolstoy streets. The circus building had an ele
Одним из старейших пивзаводов России является Жигулевский пивоваренный завод, расположенный на берегу Волги и занимающий огромную территорию. Здесь каждый день варится несколько сотен тысяч пива. К заводу прилегает богатый по своему внутреннему убранству ресторан "У Вакано". Еще одной частью завода является место, которое среди народа наз
Купеческая архитектура в современной Астрахани
Прогуляться по улочкам Питера как самые настоящие местные жители
Памятник русской архитектуры XVIII века, расположенный в бывшем имении графов Шереметевых на территории современного Останкинского парка. Является наиболее близким к Кремлю усадебно-парковым комплексом. Ансамбль усадьбы сформировался при графе Николае Шереметеве на рубеже XVIII—XIX веков. Построенный в Останкине дворец-театр — единстве
В Молодом Туде (точнее, в той его части, что раньше была отдельным селом Васильевским) сохранился в неплохом состоянии двухэтажный дом помещиков Долгоруковых, построенный в первой половине 19 в. и несколько, возможно, перестроенный на рубеже веков новыми владельцами усадьбы - Ромейко. В эпоху, когда Молодой Туд являлось райцентром, тут размещался р
В 1840 году в семье начальника Камско-Воткинских сталелитейных заводов подполковника Ильи Петровича Чайковского родился будущий великий композитор Петр Ильич Чайковский. Семья занимала казенную усадьбу, в которой она прожила до увольнения отца в 1848 году. Здесь Петр начал заниматься музыкой, сочинил свои первые детские мелодии. Композитор всегда с
Дворцово-парковый ансамбль в посёлке Юрино Республики Марий Эл расположен на берегу Волги. Селение Архангельское (Юрино) приобрел нижегородский помещик В. С. Шереметев в начале 19 века, в 70-тых годах которого началось строительство замка. Здание было электрофицировано, проведена канализация, водопровод и телефонная связь. В архитектуре замка наблю