В каждом городе нашей страны установлены памятники выдающимся людям. Особую память стараются сохранить о тех, кто когда-то жил, учился или родился в том или ином городе, или селе. В городе Елец установлено целых два памятника выдающемуся русскому писателю и поэту, лауреату Нобелевской премии в области литературы Ивану Алексеевичу Бунину. Одна из с
Bunin House Museum (Ozerki)
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- Edited9 March 2024, 07:40
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Ivan Alekseevich Bunin, a famous Russian writer and poet, was born in 1870 in Voronezh. After the death of his grandmother, his family moved to an estate in the village of Ozerki, Lipetsk region, where Ivan spent his childhood. He studied at the Yeletsk district gymnasium, and then switched to home schooling under the guidance of his older brother. His first works were published in 1887. In 1889 he moved to Orel, from where he began to travel a lot and write works.
Bunin was awarded the Pushkin Prize and was chosen as an honorary academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. He emigrated from Russia during the Civil War and spent most of his life abroad. Bunin actively opposed Bolshevism and hid Jews during World War II.
In 1970, in the village of Ozerki, Lipetsk region, it was decided to create a house-museum of I.A. Bunina. The first building to be restored was the hut of a peasant farmer, but it later burned down. The house in which the Bunin family lived has been restored since 1990, and was completely completed by 2003. In October 2015, the Bunin Ozerki festival was held in the region, which brought together lovers of the works of Ivan Alekseevich.
A visit to this place allows you to enjoy the beauty of nature and feel the spirit of the time in which Ivan Bunin lived and worked.