Zhemchuzhny Waterfall


  • Водопад Жемчужный. Photo 1
  • Водопад Жемчужный. Photo 2


The Pearl Waterfall is considered one of the main attractions of Bolshoy Utrish due to its purity and unusual appearance. Its location in the Bolshoi Utrish resort reserve makes it attractive to many visitors who want to enjoy the coolness under the gentle streams falling from a height of about 5 meters.

The water of the Zhemchuzhny waterfall forms many picturesque streams, breaking against the stones into small drops that sparkle in the sun, resembling pearls. Its direct location on the beach allows visitors to enjoy stunning views and a nice cool shower.

The Pearl Waterfall is part of the Utrish Nature Reserve and is part of an ecological route that begins at the bridge over the Sukko River and descends from the mountains. Walking along the stream bed, you can enjoy beautiful views of the rocks and coastline. The nature here is reminiscent of a Mediterranean landscape, combining unique plants and picturesque mountain slopes.

In summer, the rocky slopes of the waterfall are covered with climbing plants, creating a cozy tropical atmosphere. Even on hot days, the water of the waterfall remains cold and refreshing, bringing pleasant relief from the heat.

Access to the waterfall is only possible on foot, as there are no roads in its vicinity. The beach where the waterfall is located is remote from civilization, so here you can feel the atmosphere of wild nature. In the vicinity of the waterfall there is a camp called "Precious", where they practice natural childbirth right in the sea.

It is important to note that there are both regular tourists and nudists on this beach, so it is better to be careful with family or children. Nevertheless, the Pearl Waterfall remains one of the most attractive and unique places to relax and enjoy the beauty of nature.


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