Military Equipment Square (Anapa)


  • Сквер военной техники (Анапа). Photography 1
  • Сквер военной техники (Анапа). Photography 2
  • Сквер военной техники (Анапа). Photography 3
  • Сквер военной техники (Анапа). Photography 4
  • Сквер военной техники (Анапа). Photography 5


The Military Equipment Square in Anapa is an open-air museum that displays various types of military equipment, such as tanks, planes, and helicopters. This museum was opened in September 2018 to mark the 75th anniversary of the city's liberation from Nazi occupation.

Museum exhibits

The square contains a variety of armored vehicles, including the legendary T-34, artillery guns, and the BM-13 Katyusha rocket launcher. Three examples of military aircraft are also on display: the Mi-8TV and Ka-27PL helicopters, and the Su-27P interceptor aircraft.

History and replenishment of the exposition

The square received its first visitors in 2018, and since then the exposition has been constantly replenished with new exhibits. In 2019, the museum acquired a PT-76 amphibious tank, a Mi-8 helicopter, and a T-34 tank. In 2020, the exhibition was replenished with a T-80 tank, a D-30 howitzer, and a restored ZIS Katyusha mortar vehicle.

Popularity and improvement

The Military Equipment Square is very popular among residents and guests of Anapa. For the holidays, especially Victory Day, the equipment is put in order, and the site is improved and new facilities are erected.


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