Памятник Александру Матросову - юному герою Великой Отечественной, закрывшему собой амбразуру фашистского дзота ради спасения товарищей, был установлен в парке им.Ленина в 1951 году. Авторами его стали скульптор Л.Ю.Эйдлин и архитектор А.П.Грибов. Он представляет собой бронзовую фигуру солдата в обмундировании и плащ-пала
Памятник Арслану Мубарякову
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- Edited3 April 2024, 06:24
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Арслан Мубаряков - народный артист СССР, всемирную известность которому принесла роль башкирского национального героя Салавата Юлаева в одноименном фильме, снятом еще до ВОВ. Всего же на счету актера более 200 ролей. Автор памятника Владимир Дворник изобразил актера в момент выхода на сцену, за спиной у него расположив фрагмент театрального занавеса.
Lenin Park, formerly known as Ushakovsky Park, is located in Ufa and is a cultural heritage site of regional significance. It is a landscape monument and an urban planning monument. The park was founded in 1867-1872 on the initiative of Ufa Governor Sergei Petrovich Ushakov. Before that, the area was an overgrown clearing where livestock grazed. U
The monument to Mazhit Gafuri was erected in 1978 in front of the building of the Bashkir Academic Drama Theater named after Mazhit Gafuri in the city of Ufa. The authors of this monument are the sculptor Lev Kerbel and the architect Lev Khikhlukha. The opening of this monument was described as a significant event in the cultural life of the repub
The sculptural composition called “Three Screws” was installed in the Lenin Square in Ufa in the fall of 2013. This monument is an architectural composition in the form of a stylized name of the city in the Bashkir language. The monument project was discussed at various meetings on city identity and received a lot of positive feedback. Reconstruct
The Central Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Russia (TSDUM Russia) is the oldest existing all-Russian religious organization of Muslims. Its central bodies are located in the city of Ufa, Bashkortostan. Currently, the chairman of the Central Muslim Spiritual Directorate is the Supreme Mufti Sheikh-ul-Islam Talgat Tajuddin. The history of the
The "Seven Girls" fountain is one of the main attractions of Ufa and was opened in the summer of 2015 in the reconstructed Theater Square, which is the main place for recreation and walking in the city center. This fountain is the largest structure of its type in the Republic of Bashkortostan and includes two bowls lined with granite, as well as sc
The Gurylev estate, located at Gogol, 22, is a historical site of the city of Ufa and is an interesting architectural complex with a rich history. This house, originally owned by local tradesman Nikolai Gurylev, was the center of life and cultural activity in the early 20th century. It was home to such outstanding personalities as geobotanist Alex
The Ryabinin estate on Gogol Street, house 24, is a unique architectural monument of Ufa, built in the first half of the 19th century. This wooden house has a rich history and is associated with prominent personalities. The history of the house begins with Anna Gavrilovna Tikhanovskaya, an official who was its first owner in 1879. Subsequently, th
The First Cathedral Mosque of Ufa, also known as the Jalaluddin Rumi Mosque, is one of the key Muslim shrines of the Republic of Bashkortostan and the city of Ufa. The mosque building, located at the address: Bashkortostan, Ufa, st. Tukaeva, 48, is a cultural heritage monument. The mosque was built in 1830 on the initiative of the Mufti of the Ore
Дом-музей Аксакова в Уфе - это дом, в котором провел первые годы жизни известный русский писатель Сергей Тимофеевич Аксаков. Этот дом принадлежал его деду по материнской линии колежскому советнику Николаю Степановичу Зубову. На сегодняшний день дом Аксакова считается самым старым деревянным строением, сохранившимся в Уфе. Интерьеры его