The Kuperlya Waterfall and the natural karst bridge are among the most breathtaking attractions of Bashkiria, attracting millions of tourists every year. The waterfall is located in the Bashkiria National Park, upstream of the Nugush River. It consists of several cascades and steps, and the highest part is about 15 meters high. In the spring, the
Interesting places #gorge
The Akhtsu Gorge is located in one of the sections of the Mzymta River valley and the Akhtsu River (the right tributary of the Mzymta). The entrance to the gorge is located near the village of Monastyr. History The rise of the limestone layer began about 20 million years ago and continues today. The Akhtsu Ridge began to block the path of the
Gumerovskoye Gorge is one of the most beautiful and protected places in the Republic of Bashkortostan. This picturesque place combines plains surrounded by majestic cliffs and a small crystal clear river Zigan, flowing through a mountain gorge. The nearest settlement is the village of Gumerovo, located almost at the entrance to the gorge. Geog
Muradymovskoe Gorge (Bash. Moraҙym tarlauyғy) is a natural park in the Southern Urals, located on the territory of the Kugarchinsky and Zilairsky districts of the Republic of Bashkortostan. It was created by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Bashkortostan "On the Muradymovskoe Gorge Natural Park" No. 10 dated January 23, 199
Природная достопримечательность - обнажение скальных пород, протянувшихся на несколько десятков метров. Памятник природы регионального значения расположен в Кувандыкском районе в двух километрах южнее от урочища Ишаново. Каменные ворота занесены в список охраняемых природных объектов Оренбургской области в 1996 году как геологический и геоморфологи
Хризолитовая скала, расположенная в Карагай-Губерлинском ущелье Кувандыкского района. По своей форме напоминает черепаху, поэтому и получила такое название. Своей причудливой форме скала обязана ветряной эрозии - многие столетия ветер и осадки воздействуют на скальные породы, придавая им необычные формы, напоминающие различных зверей и птиц. Многи
Cold Gap is an amazing place that probably got its name due to the cool and clear water that is pleasant for travelers even on the hottest days. Located near the Krasnodar-Dzhubga highway, just a few kilometers from the resort town of Goryachiy Klyuch, this gap attracts tourists with its natural beauty and mystery. The journey to the Cold Gap begi
The Kadargavan Canyon, part of the famous Kurtatinsky Gorge in North Ossetia, is an impressive natural phenomenon. Situated among alpine meadows and bright green slopes, the canyon impresses with its majestic beauty. The old peaks, shrouded in light fog, tend to the cloudy heights, and the Fiagdon River flows along the bottom, carrying its fast wat
Larkin Gorge, also known as Larkin Mill, is a picturesque place located four kilometers from the village of Tyuluk in the Orenburg region. The history of this place is connected with a water mill, owned by a miller named Larkin, which stood between two rocks near the Tyulyuk River. You can only get to the gorge on foot, as it is located on the ter
Данный брод проходится с удовольствием на босую ногу с обувью в руках. Примечательное послание для туриста можно увидеть при подходе на камне... Добавить элемент в рукотворный мост становится увлекательным и небольшим ритуалом.
Настоящее горное ущелье с бурной речкой, затерявшееся в местности, чередующейся степями и холмами - удивительный уголок природы. Место действительно необычно тем, что расположено оно не в горах, а посреди обычной степи. Здесь на местности древнейшие горные породы, выходят на поверхность. Они представляют собой сланцы протерозойской эры. Несколько в