Детский лагерь был заброшен совсем недавно, еще летом 2015 года здесь вовсю кипела жизнь, было много отдыхающих детей. ДОЛ "Космос" расположен в экологически чистом районе - посреди смешанного леса (береза и дуб), недалеко от реки Урал. Детский лагерь имел хорошо развитую инфраструктуру - столовую, уютные домики для комфортного проживания
Лагерь Космос
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- Views:6886
- Edited3 April 2024, 06:24
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Заброшен с 2016 года. Охрана отсутствует.
Уже не действующий и заброшенный детский оздоровительный лагерь "Восток-6", расположенный в пригороде города Оренбурга, рядом с другими действующими детскими лагерями. Заброшенный лагерь "Восток-6" входит в группу детских лагерей Оренбурга, которые называются "Дубки". Все детские оздоровительные лагеря расположены в лесной зоне, недалеко от реки Ур
The Transural Grove Monument is a memorial dedicated to the victims of political repression in the 20th century, located in the southern part of the city of Orenburg, Russia. Opened on July 11, 1993, it is a small mound made of granite stones with an Orthodox cross installed on top. There is a memorial plaque on the monument with the inscription:
Pionerskaya station is one of several stations on the Orenburg Children's Railway, located on the right bank of the Ural River in Orenburg, Russia. Its construction began in May 1953 and was completed in impressive fashion in just 68 days thanks to the active participation of city residents and youth. The opening of the road took place on July 26,
Baths were previously located here next to the Orenburg Fortress. The site is an interesting archaeological site that testifies to the historical heritage of the region. Against the background of an area overgrown with grass, a shallow and swampy lake, and hills, the remains of buildings, one can imagine the appearance of this place in the past. T
The monument to Yuri Gagarin in Orenburg was erected on Yuri Gagarin Avenue in 1961, shortly after his historic flight into space. This idea is associated with Gagarin’s training at the Orenburg Higher Military Aviation School named after I. S. Polbin in 1955-1957. The monument, created by sculptor Yu. L. Chernov and architects G. G. Isakovich and
Есть по дороге в зауралку одно интересное место, так называемый "Музей наскальных рисунков" собраных со всего мира Крючков Николай Гордеевич. Он больше 10 лет сам рисует и выбивает в камне эти рисунки на плитах, и все на свои деньки, на скромную пенсию. Ему даже разрешили выставить это композицию на большой поляне вокруг, но на это нужны
The monument "Scholarly Cat" in Orenburg, installed under an old oak tree opposite the Gorky Regional Drama Theater, has its own interesting history and has become a popular spot among locals and tourists. According to legend, in 1833, the great poet Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin rested on a bench under this oak during his visit to Orenburg. In ho
In the 16th century, the Muscovite Tsardom began establishing contacts with the states of Central Asia. Since then, embassies were sent with the aim of opening Asian markets for Russian merchants. The Petrine era greatly intensified Russia's expansion to the East, and the name of Peter the Great is associated with the emergence of the first scienti
The Dancing Fountain on Chkalova Street in front of the Southern District Administration building is one of the unique and most beautiful fountains in Orenburg. Known as the famous "Tornado", this fountain delights residents with songs, various musical compositions and lighting. Just a dozen years ago, fountains were a rarity in the steppe capital