Monument to Maxim Gorky (Strukovsky Garden)


  • Памятник Максиму Горькому (Струковский сад). Photo 1


The monument to Maxim Gorky is located in the Strukovsky Garden, which was previously called the Maxim Gorky Park of Culture and Leisure.

The life of Maxim Gorky is closely connected with the city of Samara. He moved here in early 1895. Initially, Gorky did not like the city, and he even described it in one of his works as “an anathema city.” However, over time, his opinion of the city changed, and he began to perceive it more favorably. In Samara he met his future wife Ekaterina Volzhina.

Gorky actively participated in the public life of the city, collaborating with the local newspaper Samara Gazeta. He published his stories in this newspaper, and it was here that he began to realize his destiny as a writer. Gorky himself noted that it was in Samara that he was “born as a writer.”

Thus, the monument to Maxim Gorky in Samara is not only a symbol of his personality, but also a reminder of his important role in the literary and social life of the city.


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