Consistory tower of the Kazan Kremlin


  • Консисторская башня Казанского Кремля. Photo 1
  • Консисторская башня Казанского Кремля. Photo 2


The Consistory Tower, erected in the 17th century on the southeastern edge of the Khan's fortress of the Kazan Kremlin, is an important defensive structure. Initially, the tower had three battle tiers and a fourth tier, which served as an ammunition warehouse. The structure was 23 meters high and had a diameter at the zero level of 14 meters.

The tower was built of brick and stone. White stone blocks were used on the first two tiers, and brick on the third and fourth tiers. The loopholes were equipped for firing from heavy guns, and there was no through passage, although there was an arched exit into the interior of the fortress.

In the 18th century, the tower lost its military significance and was used as a prison. The upper part of the building was rebuilt, a dome was installed and the battlements were hidden, turning the parapet into a gentle cornice. The wooden roof in the form of a tent was returned to the building only in the 1980s. Currently, the tower is open to tourists, and there is a museum exhibition on its territory where souvenirs are sold.

Walking through the courtyard of the building, visitors can enjoy views of the fortifications and the Consistory Tower itself. Thanks to restoration work carried out since the late 1970s, today we have the opportunity to plunge into the distant past and walk along the fortress walls, feeling the spirit of ancient eras.

In general, the Kazan Kremlin, with its numerous towers and walls, gave the impression of an impregnable fortress. It was one of the key defensive structures on the territory of the Russian state and played an important role in the history of the city of Kazan.


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