

  • Бюст А. С. Пушкина (Самара). Photo 1


It is not reliably known whether Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin himself visited Samara; however, his journey through the local lands left its mark on his work. In the original version of "The Captain's Daughter," there is a description of the steppe landscapes that the poet passed through on his way to Orenburg.

In honor of the centenary of the poet's birth in 1899, the Samara City Duma decided to establish a square with a children's playground on the vacant lot behind the Drama Theater and proposed to name it after Pushkin. However, due to a lack of funds, the work was suspended. It was only thanks to the participation of the merchant Alfred Filippovich von Vakano that the work resumed in 1902. During this period, the square was landscaped, and a pavilion was built where poetry evenings and public readings were held.

In 1905, the first monument to A. S. Pushkin was installed in the square, made of plaster, but in the mid-1930s, it was dismantled due to the destruction of the pedestal. In 1949, a second monument, made of stone, was erected, which stood until 1962. Finally, the third monument was installed in 1985 and stands in the square to this day. All these monuments are dedicated to A. S. Pushkin and have become a venue for annual events dedicated to the great poet.


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