Interesting places #mountain - Page 2

Mount Itsyl, located in the Southern Urals in the Chelyabinsk region, is the southern tip of the ridge of the same name, which is part of the Taganay mountain cluster. Located 26 kilometers northeast of Zlatoust, it is part of the Taganay National Park. Mount Itsil has a double-headed shape with a ridge-shaped plateau between the southern and north

Khauaze (Bashkir: Һәүәҙе) is a mountain in the Ishimbay region of Bashkortostan, Russian Federation, which is a tourist attraction. It is located next to Makarovo, near the Makarovo - Kulgunino road (section P316). Within 1-3 km from the mountain there are other tourist attractions, such as the Salavat Yulaev cave, the Kalim-uskan rock, the places

Mountain Dalniy Taganay, the northernmost and most extensive peak of the Bolshoy Taganay ridge, is located in the Chelyabinsk region, 25 kilometers from the city of Zlatoust. Its height is 1112 meters above sea level. At the top of the mountain, from 1932 to 2005, the Taganay Mountain weather station operated, which has now turned into a tourist sh

Shikhan Yuraktau, also known as “heart-mountain” in translation from the Bashkir language, is a unique natural formation in the Sterlitamak region of Bashkortostan. This lone mountain was recognized as a natural monument in 1985. It is a remnant of the Lower Permian reef massif, which formed more than 230 million years ago in a tropical sea. Yurak

Mount Ayu-Dag, located on the southern coast of Crimea, is a unique natural site with a rich history and diverse biodiversity. Rising 570.8 meters above sea level, it is a mountain range, slightly elongated in the northwest direction, with a protrusion into the sea of 2-2.5 kilometers. Mount Ayu-Dag was formed about 150 million years ago as a resu

The Jau-Tepe hill is a mud volcano located on the territory of the Kerch Peninsula. This is the most famous of the group of volcanoes located in the Republic of Crimea. The total number of mud volcanoes on the Kerch Peninsula is about 50. Such mud volcanoes are geological formations. In their structure, they are similar to traditional volcanoes: on

Есть два типа людей: одни считают, что это необычная скала природного происхождения, а вторые считают это искусственная стена прошлых цивилизаций. Какая она - судите сами, но выглядит она впечатляюще этим и привлекает внимание всех туристов.

Раньше здесь протекала река Сакмара,потом она нашла себе другое русло,а здесь появилось красивое и чистое озеро! Один его берег зарос ольшаником и кувшинками. А вот другой сногсшибательно красиво уходит в гору с удивительными открытыми камнями и эта гора называется Каменная... В ней можно увидеть окаменелые деревья,целые брёвна и множество диковинн

Скалы, расположенные на северном склоне хребта Караташ. Их еще называют Орлиными скалами или Айгирскими (от названия железнодорожной станции, находящейся у подножия). Очень живописное место, любимое туристами. Здесь красиво в любое время года, но особенно впечатляет ранняя осень, когда из-за приличной разницы дневных и ночных температур от протека

По легенде той могиле более трёхсот лет! Посещение её имеет свои правила! Подниматься к ней необходимо по крутой тропе от родника под холмом, пройти в ворота, загадать желание и повязать ленточку! А вот отходить от неё можно по пологой тропинке спиной вперёд, ровно сорок шагов! Когда могила скроется за холмом можно разворачиваться! Перед подъёмом н

Ресторан привлекает внимание многих поклонников мистики и желающих выйти за рамки привычных экскурсионных маршрутов. Запоминающийся и оригинальный объект, который не наносится на привычные экскурсионные карты. Расположен интересный ресторан недалеко от смотровой площадки – своеобразная Мекка местных туристов. Здание ресторана уже на протяжени

Куштау— шихан, гора-одиночка в Ишимбайском районе Башкортостана, находящаяся в 18 км к востоку от города Стерлитамака и в 140 км к югу от города Уфы и включённая в Список геологического наследия всемирного значения «GEOSITES». Один из цепочки некогда четырёх шиханов в окрестностях Стерлитамака наряду с Торатау, Юрактау и нын

The Hephaestus volcano is a mud volcano, the eruptions of which generate hilly mud. These muds have become a popular remedy for the treatment of various diseases due to the content of beneficial substances such as sulfur, carbon dioxide, hormone-like elements and phytoncides. Penetrating through the skin, these substances enhance the vital function

Kruglitsa is a mountain that is the highest point of the Bolshoy Taganay ridge and the entire Taganay mountain range. With its height of 1178 meters, it attracts tourists and travelers with its beauty and unique natural features. The name of the mountain comes from its characteristic round shape, as well as its resemblance to a Turkic headdress, w

The two-headed hill, one of the most popular peaks of the Taganay Range among tourists, attracts many visitors at any time of the year. Its northern peak reaches a height of 1041 meters and is an arched ridge that extends in a southeast direction. The slopes of the hill are covered with stone screes, and the peak itself consists of terraces, rock w

Mount Krutoy Klyuch, located in the Southern Urals in the Chelyabinsk region, is a peak with a pronounced rocky peak. Its height is 782 meters above sea level, and it is located at the southern tip of the Small Ural Range. The wide and majestic rocky ridge of the mountain stretches for about 2 kilometers. The highest point of the Small Ural Range

French Hill, located in the vicinity of the city of Miass in the Chelyabinsk region, is a unique place reminiscent of the ruins of an ancient castle. The name of this place is interesting, and its history is even more intriguing. Mount French rises near the Miass River, reaching a height of 445 meters above sea level. When approaching this place,

The Devil's Settlement is a mountain with a rock mass of the same name at the top, located in the northwestern part of the municipality of the Kyshtym urban district of the Chelyabinsk region of Russia. The rocks at the top are granite outcrops with weathering patterns and a complex of rock flora. It is a geomorphological, botanical and archaeologi

Гора Егоза, расположенная на юге Среднего Урала, высотой 607,7 метров, представляет собой прекрасное место для активного отдыха в любое время года. На ее склонах проходит горнолыжный центр "Гора Егоза", привлекающий любителей зимнего спорта. Название "Егоза" происходит от башкирского топонима и означает "вход в межгорье" или "горловина межгорья",

Susaktau (or Susak-tau, Susak) is a mountain in the Alsheevsky district of Bashkortostan, located next to the village of Churaevo. It has been a natural monument since its recognition in 2005. This mountain has a pointed shape and belongs to the remnants. On its slopes you can find a complex of sandy steppes with many rare plant species, including

Mount Satyrtau, located in the Alsheevsky district of Bashkortostan near the village of Kipchak-Askarovo, is a unique natural formation. It is a natural monument and has a characteristic peak that resembles a tent, which determined its name. A variety of plants grow on the slopes of the mountain, including those listed in the Red Book, and the Dema

Places of interest: 79