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Saigachiy mine
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- Edited29 February 2024, 10:34
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In the history of the Orenburg region, many old mines are fortified, among which the Saigachiy mine stands out. Located in the Orenburg region, in the Rodnikovye Shishki tract, at a distance of 2.5 km northeast of the village of Berdyanka, this mine is a natural monument of the region, its area covers 2.0 hectares.
Currently, the conservation of this natural site is under threat due to the development of oil and gas fields in its immediate vicinity.
The Saiga mine has an ancient history, dating back to the Bronze Age, when work was carried out here to develop cuprous sandstones. In the 18th century, ore mining was resumed by the serfs of Count Shuvalov. Expedition P.S. Pallas in 1769 discovered clay pots and cakes of smelted copper here. The mine received its name “Saiga” due to the abundance of saiga antelopes that previously lived in these places.
Today, only the ruins of an adit and two shafts, immersed in yellow-gray cuprous sandstones, remain on the site of the mine. It became impossible to get inside the mines due to natural processes: wind and precipitation, which gradually destroy the soil. However, petrified wood and malachite ores can still be found in the mine dumps.