Abandoned position of 210 mm battery (Liinakhamari)


  • Заброшенная позиция 210 мм батареи (Лиинахамари). Photography 1


Battery No. 2/773 (454) was one of the key defensive positions in the area of the village of Liinakhamari during the Second World War. Its main task was to suppress Soviet artillery fire on the Sredny Peninsula and strike other targets in the rear of Soviet troops.

Initially, the battery was commissioned with two 21 cm K.31/40 cannons, but later it was decided to install a third and then a fourth gun of the same caliber. This made it possible to increase the firepower and effectiveness of the battery in defensive operations.

Battery No. 2/773 (454) played an important role in the defense of this sector of the front, providing support to German ground and naval forces. Its firepower and accuracy made it possible to deliver significant blows to the enemy and repel attacks by Soviet troops.

It is important to note that the activity of such batteries was key to the defense strategy of Nazi Germany on the northern front, and their presence created serious obstacles to the advance of Soviet troops.


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