
  • Колодец Мечта. Photo 1


The Dream Well, also known as the Rotten Cave, is located on the top of the White Mountain and was discovered by speleologists from Kuibyshev in 1970. Initially its depth was 15 meters, but over time it turned into an impassable crack below this mark. Currently, the well inlet measures 3.5x4 meters. The walls of the well are decorated with fancy longitudinal ribs, between which you can go down and up “by surprise.”

Interest in this place raises many questions and disputes. Some researchers doubt its existence, while others claim that a similar object was discovered on the White Mountain watershed, about a kilometer from Gavrilova Polyana. This somehow simplified the search, and the researchers went to White Mountain with the hope of finding the “Dream”.

However, after a long search in a dense forest, the mushroom pickers who found the well reported that it was not a natural formation, but abandoned sulfur mines, like most pits in the area. This disappointed researchers who were looking for a natural well.

The final location of the Dream is described as being on the White Mountain watershed 1.1 kilometers south-southwest of the Gavrilova Polyana pier. The entrance to the cave is located at an altitude of approximately 244 meters above sea level and has a complex cross-section in the form of a rosette of petals. The cave has been excavated to a depth of 15 meters, and its origin is associated with armored karst processes.

Although the exact time at which the well was named "Dream" is unknown, its identification as a natural formation is beyond doubt.


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