
  • Башня Сююмбике. Photo 1
  • Башня Сююмбике. Photo 2


The Syuyumbike Tower is an iconic watchtower in the Kazan Kremlin, which is an architectural symbol of the city. From its top there is a magnificent view of the Kazanka and Volga rivers, as well as the surrounding area.

This tower has several legends about its origin, but there is no scientific basis for them. One of the legends claims that the tower was built by the Kazan Queen Syuyumbike in memory of her departed husband. Another legend claims that the tower was erected in seven days after the capture of Kazan in 1552, and the initiator of the construction is called Syuyumbike. There is also a legend that the tower was rebuilt from the minaret of the Khan's mosque.

However, scientific opinion is inclined to believe that the tower was built in the 17th-18th centuries. It has seven tiers and is a typical example of the architecture of that time. Its slope to the northeast is almost 2 meters, which is caused by the processes of interaction between the soil and the cultural layer.

At different periods, work was carried out to strengthen the foundation and restore the tower. In 1998, the last strengthening was carried out, which stopped the tower from further tilting.

The Syuyumbike Tower is an important architectural object and cultural heritage of the city of Kazan, attracting the attention of tourists and researchers.


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