В нашей стране расположено много старинных городов с многовековой историей. Одним из таких городов является Вологда. Первое упоминание этого города датируется 1147 годом. Он раскинулся на берегу одноименной реки, и долгое время носил роль форпоста на севере России. Особое развитие город приобрел во времена Ивана Грозного, поскольку он хотел преврат
Памятник букве "О"
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- Views:224
- Edited7 August 2022, 16:31
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Памятник букве «О» — памятник, установленный в 2012 году в Вологде и призванный увековечить одно из наиболее характерных явлений северных русских говоров, в том числе вологодских, — оканье. Торжественное открытие состоялось 30 июня в День города в честь 865-летнего юбилея Вологды.
The history of the development of theatrical art in Cherepovets over many years goes back to ancient times. Back in the 60s of the 20th century, the first mentions of theatrical activity in the city appeared. Initially, these were meetings of a musical and dramatic circle, in which noble representatives of society - merchants, nobles and officials
Усадьба Гальских - памятник архитектуры, истории и культуры начала XIX века - была одной из красивейших в Череповецком уезде. После революции усадьба была национализирована. Там в разное время располагались техникум, управления колхозами, общежития. В отсутствии надлежащего ухода здания приходили в упадок. В усадьбе, кроме помещичьего дома, сохрани
The Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ, also known as the Resurrection Cathedral, is a significant monument of church architecture of the second half of the 17th century and a majestic symbol of the city of Tutaev in the Yaroslavl region. The temple was built in the period from 1652 to 1687 on the site of a wooden church in the name of Saints
The zero kilometer in Ivanovo was installed on August 21, 2007 next to the Main Post Office on Lenin Avenue at house No. 17. This symbolic pillar has a square cross-section, is painted in black and white stripes and is decorated with a “0 km” sign. It reminds of the times when kilometers were counted from post offices in Russia. History and sy
The monument to the pilots and technicians of the Normandie-Neman aviation regiment was erected in Ivanovo in a park located at the intersection of Lezhnevskaya and Letchika Lazarev streets, near school No. 56. The sculptors of the monument were Vladimir and Danila Surovtsev, the architectural design was developed by Vladimir and Oleg Syagin. The m
Считается самым "старшим" из памятников в городе Суздаль. Памятник великому деятелю Д.М. Пожарскому был установлен в 1955 году. Памятник был установлен у стен Спасо-Евфимиева монастыря, в сквере, а не на месте, где похоронен Д.М. Пожарский, поскольку в то время на территории монастыря размещалось закрытое детское учреждение. Бронзовый бюст, изготов
The Intercession Monastery in Suzdal is an important historical and cultural site, which has preserved a lot of interesting information and legends. It was founded in 1364, but most of its existing buildings were built in the 16th century. According to legend, the monastery was a place of imprisonment for representatives of aristocratic families w
The Alexander Monastery in Suzdal, including its rich history and architectural ensembles, represents one of the significant cultural and religious heritage of Russia. Founded, according to legend, in 1240 by Alexander Nevsky, the monastery received estates from close relatives of Alexander Nevsky - Ivan Kalita and Ivan II. After the Tatar invasio
The Robe Deposition Monastery is a historically significant convent located in the center of the city of Suzdal. It is one of the few monasteries in Russia that were founded before the Mongol invasion and have an ancient history. The existing ensemble of buildings of the monastery was formed mainly in the 16th-17th centuries, but the buildings in t