В село Волчанка Красноармейского района когда-то ссылали по "волчьему билету", отсюда и название. Прямо при въезде в село стоит деревянная церковь в честь Покрова Пресвятой Богородицы, построенная в 1834 году. Жители села хранили и оберегали ее, и в годы лихолетья смогли воспрепятствовать ее разрушению. Колокола с церкви сняли, церковь закрыли, а в
Марьевское водохранилище
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- Edited5 August 2022, 11:15
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Искусственных водоём. Водоизмещение 22 млн. куб. метров – важный источник водоснабжения Перелюбского района
The monument to the Heroes of the Civil War, towering over the communal grave in the I.M. Plyasunkov Park in the city of Pugachyov, Saratov region, is a creation of sculptor E.F. Timofeyev. This monument, mounted on a high pedestal, depicts the figures of warriors forever resting under the protection of the Eternal Flame installed at the base. Cre
In the 19th century, the village of Dergachi was part of the parish of the Michael the Archangel Church in the village of Vyazovy Gai. By decree of the Holy Synod of June 9, 1900, Dergachi was allowed to create an independent parish. In 1906, a stone three-altar church with one dome, a refectory and a bell tower was built according to the design of
The Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Elani was built in 1809 at the expense of Major General A.V. Urusova. This is a single-altar stone church with a refectory and a bell tower, which has become the center of the spiritual life of the village. The church was in active use until the 1920s, after which the building became a cl
Старая деревянная мельница, расположенная в селе Бариновка (Самарская область). Мельница является последней сохранившейся в своем роде деревянной мельницей в Самарской области. Согласно сохранившемся документам, мельница была построена в 1848 году во владении землевладельца Петра Артамонова. Часть жерновов для мельницы была изготовлена и приве
Немного исторической информации Церковь старинная, освящена в 1831 году в честь иконы Божией Матери «Неопалимая Купина», а боковые престолы освящены в честь святителя Николая Чудотворца и великомученика Георгия Победоносца. До сих пор, с начала 30-х годов прошлого века, храм продолжает быть разрушенным.
The Church of the Archangel Michael is an Orthodox church of the Samara diocese of the Moscow Patriarchate, built in 1915. This temple is an object of cultural heritage of Russia of regional significance. The history of the emergence of the temple is connected with the arrival of John of Kronstadt to Samara in 1902. He consecrated the site for the
The Samara Fortress, founded in 1586 by Prince Grigory Zasekin at the intersection of the Volga and Samara rivers, is one of the important historical sites of the city. Its purpose was to ensure the protection of navigation on the river and the protection of state borders from attacks. Although the fortress has not survived to this day (it was des
The steam locomotive-monument Su-211-85 "Leninets" in Samara was installed in recognition of the labor feat of the older generation of railway workers and was restored with the active participation of labor veterans of the locomotive depot named after G. M. Krzhizhanovsky in July 1986. This locomotive was built at the Kolomensky Zavod in 1937 and
In 1967, on a small square named after Felix Dzerzhinsky and located near Khlebnaya Square in Samara, a monument to this outstanding Soviet state and party figure was erected. The architectural design of the monument was developed by the famous architect Alexey Morgun, and the sculptural part was created by the talented sculptor Igor Fedorov. Feli