The Silver spring, located in the Kumysnaya Polyana forest park in Saratov, is one of the attractive places for recreation and recreation for city residents. It is located in the 4th Dachnaya area and is also known as “Bogatyr” or “Chernomor”, after the sculptural composition that decorates the spring. The development of the spring was carried out
Interesting places: Saratov Region
"Kumysnaya Polyana" is a unique natural park that borders the city of Saratov from the west. It was created in 1991 to preserve the unique natural forest complex of the suburbs and provide opportunities for countryside recreation for city residents. The park covers a total area of 4,417 hectares and is located mainly on the Lysogorsk plateau, west
Марина Михайловна Раскова была выдающейся советской летчицей-штурманом и одной из первых женщин, награжденных званием Героя Советского Союза. Ее подвиг и трагическая гибель оставили глубокий след в истории Великой Отечественной войны. 22 ноября 1942 года Раскова доложила о готовности 587-го бомбардировочного авиационного полка к боевой работе. В н
Gagarin Field, located at the landing site of Yuri Gagarin after his historic flight into space, is a memorial complex that was recognized as a “landmark site of federal significance” in 2012. This complex is included in the “Park of Space Conquerors”, the first stage of which was opened in April 2021. The first monuments at Gagarin's landing site
The monument to the Heroes of the Civil War, towering over the communal grave in the I.M. Plyasunkov Park in the city of Pugachyov, Saratov region, is a creation of sculptor E.F. Timofeyev. This monument, mounted on a high pedestal, depicts the figures of warriors forever resting under the protection of the Eternal Flame installed at the base. Cre
Искусственных водоём. Водоизмещение 22 млн. куб. метров – важный источник водоснабжения Перелюбского района