

  • Грифон Таравал. Photography 1
  • Грифон Таравал. Photography 2
  • Грифон Таравал. Photography 3


The source "Griffin Taraval" is known for its unique nature and historical significance. Situated at the foot of an elevated cliff, it is a powerful stream of water breaking through a crevice of rocks. The water from this source is cold and clean, often used by tourists and travelers for drinking.

The spring "Griffin Taraval" is especially popular among tourists rafting along the Belaya River. Many sightseeing tours include it in their itineraries, and locals and tour guides attribute mystical significance to this place. It is believed that making wishes near this spring brings good luck.

The name "Griffin" was given to this spring because of its special shape: a stream of water flows out of a deep rocky crevice that resembles a funnel. This source is constantly active and does not dry out even in the hot months. The water is clear and free of impurities, which indicates its purity and freshness.

The Taraval spring is also known for its stability: its flow rate remains constant throughout the year. The water coming from the source has a pleasant taste and smell, making it ideal for drinking and cooking. Many excursion groups use water from this source for their needs.

If you are interested in visiting this amazing natural site, the coordinates of the Taraval Griffin are available on our map.


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