Monument to the heating battery (Samara)



  • Памятник отопительной батарее (Самара). Photo 1
  • Памятник отопительной батарее (Самара). Photo 2
  • Памятник отопительной батарее (Самара). Photo 3


The monument dedicated to the invention of the heating battery on the wall of the Samara State District Power Plant is not only a symbol of technical progress, but also an attractive object for citizens and tourists. Its unusual shape and the legends associated with it make it a popular place to visit and photograph.

The tradition of rubbing certain parts of the monument to grant wishes adds an element of magic and mystery, making it even more attractive to visitors. As a result, the monument becomes not only an object of historical and technical interest, but also a symbol of hope and faith in the fulfillment of desires.

Such non-standard monuments give the city a unique character and create a special atmosphere, attracting the attention of both local residents and city visitors.

History of the monument

An interesting background to the creation of a monument to a heating battery in the city of Samara! This unusual project, embodied in the form of a cat lying on a windowsill above a radiator, has become a vivid symbol of not only technological progress, but also a creative approach to art in urban space.

The decision to depict a cat warming itself by a heating device is not only symbolic, but also attractive from an aesthetic point of view. The author's vision of Nikolai Kuklev, embodied in a bronze sculpture, adds special charm and originality to this monument.

Such unusual stories of monument creation add additional depth and interest to the city's architecture and cultural heritage, attracting the attention of both locals and tourists.


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