Interesting places #chapel

The floating chapel-buoy of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is a unique object on the Irtysh River, near the mouth of this important water artery. Its installation was initiated by the General Director of the shipping company "Aganrechtrans" S.G. Sandulov. This unusual temple is an octagonal single-domed pillar chapel mounted on a square pontoon att

The chapel-tomb of A. N. Lyupov stands on the site of the tragic death of staff captain Alexei Nikolaevich Lyupov, who was killed on the night of September 25, 1911 on the banks of the Volga near the village of Ermakovo. The chapel was built on the initiative of his brother Semyon Nikolaevich Lyupov, who set himself the task of consecrating the pla

Небольшая церковь, расположенная на окраине поселка Луна (Шарлыкский район Оренбургской области). Красивое белокаменное здание с одним куполом расположено на возвышенности, его хорошо видно из далека. Часовня освещена во имя Серафима Саровского - иеромонаха Саровского монастыря, основателя и покровителя Дивеевской женской обители. Прославлен Россий

The Chapel of St. Alexander Nevsky, located in the village of Taiginka, part of the Kyshtym urban district, is a unique object that evokes surprise and admiration for its record construction time. Work on the construction of the chapel, according to the approved sketch, began on July 2, 2004, and by September 24 of the same year the builders comple

The chapel of St. Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow, is a significant object of the Samara diocese of the Moscow Patriarchate. First erected between 1888 and 1890 according to the design of the famous architect A.A. Shcherbachev, it was destroyed in the 1930s. However, in 1998, the chapel was restored according to the design of A.S. Melentyev and recei

The church dedicated to the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul asserts its status in the village of Pogromnoye, Orenburg region. Its construction began in 2003, when a small cross-shaped building made of brick was erected, following the classic Russian style. Initially intended as a chapel, in 2007 an altar was added, and the church was consecrated as a

Собор в честь Рождества Пресвятой Богородицы был построен в первой четверти ХIХ века на средства жителей села Катунки по указу Императора Всероссийского Александра I. Реконструирован в 2000-2007 годах. Освящен 15 ноября 2007 г.

Памятник часовня, установленный в 1915 году , в память о погибших казаках Уральского Казачьего Войска в Первую мировую войну. В годы Первой мировой войны Уральское казачье войско выставило в строевые полки и батареи 13500 казаков и офицеров. В боях войско потеряло 501 казака и офицера убитыми; около 2000 тысяч были ранены или пропали без вести. В

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