Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Saurovo)


  • Церковь Рождества Пресвятой Богородицы (Саурово). Photography 1


The Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary at the Upolozy churchyard (Saurovo) has a deep history dating back to ancient times. According to archival records, it has existed since “time immemorial,” which indicates its antiquity. In 1577, on the territory of the Vokhonsky volost, in the estate of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, there stood a wooden church built in ancient times. The temple contained images, candles and bells. At the beginning of the 17th century, a malthouse and four cells for the poor, who received food from the church, were added to the church.

The church owned forest lands and land plots, for which tribute had to be paid. In 1790, one priest, one deacon and two clergymen served in the church.

By the beginning of the 19th century, the wooden church fell into disrepair, and in 1830 parishioners raised funds to build a new stone church with a stone bell tower. The new temple was consecrated in honor of the Prophet Elijah and St. Nicholas. Improvement and construction work continued for many years.

In 1903, the parish of the church united several villages with a number of Orthodox parishioners of about 4.5 thousand people. In the spring, during the flood of the Klyazma River, believers got to the church by boat.

After the October Revolution, the temple was not closed, the parishioners defended it, but many of them were arrested and repressed. Despite this, services continued, although the bells were removed in the 1930s.

Currently, the graveyard of Upolozy (Saurovo) is the main cemetery of Pavlovsky Posad, and in the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, services and religious services are held for parishioners from the city and surrounding villages. The temple was built with the blessing of Metropolitan Philaret at the expense of the landowner Ryumin and parishioners. The majestic building in the style of late classicism with a high bell tower and dome is a noticeable element of the landscape. The interior of the temple is decorated with a magnificent iconostasis, and the wall paintings date back to the end of the 19th century.


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