In the vicinity of SNT "Uzor" and the village of Gubino, Moscow region, there are peat quarries, which are part of the peat extraction activity. Peat is an organic substance formed as a result of the accumulation of plant residues in conditions of high humidity and lack of oxygen. It is an important natural resource used in agriculture as a fertili
Понаринский пруд
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- Views:1539
- Edited8 July 2018, 13:41
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Прекрасный пруд в д. Понарино
Очень странный приют для непойми кого. Вот буквально. Территория частная, обитаемая на 1/3. Ранее (при СССР) место являлось одним из многих пионерских лагерей, расположенных в той местности в непосредственной близости друг от дружки. Сейчас некоторые строения на территории ни куда ни годятся, - находятся в сверхаварийном плачевном состоянии. Некая
The spring on Yellow Mountain, near the Klyazma River, is not only a source of clean and cool water, but also a place of special natural beauty and uniqueness. Five springs, which are located in close proximity to each other, create an amazing and picturesque landscape. This place attracts not only with its natural features, but also with its hist
Насосная станция подачи питьевой воды из резервуара в некогда действующий ДОЛ "Дружба, расположенный неподалёку. Сейчас имущественный комплекс детского лагеря выкуплен в частную собственность. Реальная функциональность объекта водонапорной башни не известна. Двери на замках, лишних щелей практически нет (почти всё старательно завар
On September 10, 2016, in honor of City Day and on the eve of the 65th anniversary of the famous Russian actor Viktor Ivanovich Sukhorukov, a monument dedicated to his personality and work was unveiled in Orekhovo-Zuevo. This event became a significant cultural moment for the city, highlighting Sukhorukov's contribution to the development of Russia
In 1924, Nikolskaya Street in Orekhovo-Zuevo was renamed Lenin Street, which became a symbol of a new era for the city. However, the real embodiment of the veneration of the leader of the October Revolution was the installation of a monument to V.I. Lenin on November 7, 1933 in the park of the city park of culture and recreation. The creation of t
The church that occupied the Nikolskoye School, founded in 1864 by T.S. Morozov, is historically significant for Orekhovo-Zuevo. The temple itself was erected at the school of M.F. Morozova and consecrated in 1902. In 1907, work on the addition of the altar was completed, which gave the temple its final appearance. During the Soviet regime, a gymna
Monument to S.M. Kirov in Orekhovo-Zuevo is a significant historical landmark, located at the end of Kirov Street in the Krutoe district. Given the absence of an inscription on the monument, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with information about it in advance. The opening of the monument took place in 1955. This monument is a smaller cop
Заброшенный зерновой элеватор в некогда агарном поселке Озерецкий. Отголоски советского колхозного прошлого дальней московской периферии
Подозреваю, что вполне рабочая водонапорная башенка, резервно подпитывает объект, находящийся неподалёку. Высота до платформы расположения бака около 10-12 метров. Железо лестниц прочное, сделано насовесть совдепом...