In December 2015, the Orsk solar power plant named after A.A. Vlaznev was put into operation in the Orenburg region. At the time of launch, the plant's capacity was 25 megawatts, and the project was implemented by the T Plus Group. During the first two years of operation, the Orsk solar power plant produced 72.6 million kilowatt-hours of energy, wh
Interesting places #powerhouse
Ириклинская ГЭС - это гидроэлектростанция, расположенная на реке Урал в Оренбургской области, недалеко от посёлка Ириклинский. Эта станция является крупнейшей гидроэлектростанцией на Урале и принадлежит ПАО «Интер РАО». Ириклинская ГЭС входит в комплекс со строящейся Ириклинской ГРЭС. По своей конструкции Ириклинская ГЭС представляет собой среднен
The Zhigulevskaya HPP (formerly known as the Kuibyshevskaya HPP and the Volzhskaya HPP named after Lenin) is a significant hydroelectric power station on the Volga River in the Samara region, located between the cities of Zhigulevsk and Tolyatti. It is part of the Volga-Kama cascade of hydroelectric power stations and represents the sixth stage of
The Argazinskaya hydroelectric power station, located on the Miass River in the Chelyabinsk region, near the village of Bayramgulovo, began its construction history in 1939. In this place of the river, several dams were already built before the appearance of the hydroelectric power station. The first of them was built in 1853 for the needs of mills
The solar thermal power plant SES-5, located five kilometers southeast of Shchelkino in Crimea, was a dismantled tower-type structure with an installed capacity of 5 MW. It was the first solar power plant of this type in the USSR, designed with the participation of thirty design organizations. The general designer was the Riga branch of the All-Uni
On the banks of the Ural River, in the city of Orenburg, on January 28, 1899, the first city electric station was put into operation. The station building, built in neo-Romantic Art Nouveau, impresses with its architectural style, reminiscent of a palatial character, and decoration in the Gothic and Romantic styles. The main building of the statio
The Yumaguzinskaya hydroelectric power station (HPP) is located on the Belaya River in the Kugarchinsky district of Bashkortostan. It is part of the production division of the Salavat Thermal Power Plant, owned by Bashkir Generating Company LLC. The hydroelectric power station was created in a narrow mountain valley, and the flood area of valuable
The dam on the Kirzhach River, about 80 meters wide, serves not only to regulate water, but also serves as a road bridge. It also represents the only easily accessible entry and exit from the village of Gorodishchi in the Vladimir region. In the lower part of the river, near the dam, there is a local beach that provides swimming opportunities. Sur
The Porogi hydroelectric power station (also known as the Porozhskaya HPP) is a unique facility in the Chelyabinsk region and Russia as a whole. This small hydroelectric power station, located on the Bolshaya Satka River, near the village of Porogi, has a long history and is important for the region. Built in 1910, the Porogi hydroelectric power s
Здание Псырцхинской гидроэлектростанции находится в городе Новый Афон. Пцсырцхинская ГЭС была построена в 1909 году на реке Псырцха русскими монахами из Новоафонского монастыря и является одной из старейших мини-гидроэлектростанций Абхазии. Псырцхинская ГЭС в последний раз ремонтировалась в 1922 году и проработала более 30 лет, а затем была законс
Сходили мы с другом на данную разрушенную АЭС в августе 2014 года (первое лето, когда Крым вновь стал "Нашим"). Как только высадились на остановке - погода испортилась, небо затянуло тучами, заморосил легкий дождь теплый ветерок гладил по спине, мы шли по направлению к АЭс. И я вам скажу, атмосфера выдалась по исте сталкеровская. ПОЛНЫЙ Э