Interesting places #island

St. George's Rock, also known as the Rock of the Holy Appearance (Ukrainian: Skela of the Holy Apparition), is an above-water rock in the form of a small island located 1.5 km east of the tip of Cape Fiolent and 140 m from the shore of Jasper Beach in the Balaklava region of Sevastopol . This is one of the main tourist spots in the Fiolent area. #

Ant Islands are a small archipelago within the city of Togliatti, formed after the flooding of coastal areas as a result of the construction of the Zhigulevskaya hydroelectric power station. This stretch of the Volga is known for its beautiful sandy beach and photogenic scenery, which has led to it being sometimes called the "Tolyatti Maldives". T

Sakaska Island is one of the most spectacular places on the Yumagus Reservoir. This mountain became an island after the reservoir filled and the water surrounded it. Previously, there was a village with the same name on this site. Sakaska Island is a unique place from where you can go to the famous Sumgan-Kutuk karst region, which is rich in numero

Скальный пейзажный парк на берегу бухты Защитной Выборгского залива, на острове Твердыш в северной части города Выборга в Ленинградской области. Официальное наименование — Государственный историко-архитектурный и природный музей-заповедник «Парк Монрепо». Находится на окраине Выборга, рядом с Выборгским микрорайоном. Основные архи

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