Interesting places #forest - Page 2

The Seven Brothers Rocks in Bashkortostan are another example of mountain outcrops, whose appearance is inspired by the number of protruding rocks. This amazing place is located about 20 km from the city of Beloretsk and offers the opportunity to enjoy beautiful scenery and active recreation. Several large meadows are nestled under the rocks of th

In the Iremel Natural Park there is a small crossing over the Karagayka stream, consisting of logs. This crossing provides access to various parts of the park and can be used to cross the creek on foot. The Karagayka stream, along which it runs, is a beautiful natural site, and in its waters you can find a small swimming pool. Within a radius of a

Tenginki waterfalls are a natural miracle located in the settlement of the same name near the village of Lermontovo in the Krasnodar Territory. These waterfalls are one of the key attractions of the region due to their beauty and mystery. Getting to Tenginki waterfalls is easy and convenient. From the village of Lermontovo to Tenginka it is approx

Polkovnichiy waterfalls, located 16 kilometers from the village of Dzhubga in the area of the village of Polkovnichiy, are a unique natural phenomenon that attracts many tourists with their beauty and accessibility. History and location The village of Polkovnichy received its name in honor of Colonel P.D. Babich, who passed through these plac

Gebius Falls are on the list of the most popular attractions in Gelendzhik due to their natural beauty and convenient location. Gebius waterfalls are located 60 km from Gelendzhik, east of the village of Arkhipo-Osipovka. This attraction is located on the border of Greater Gelendzhik and the Tuapse region, which makes it accessible to residents of

Larkin Gorge, also known as Larkin Mill, is a picturesque place located four kilometers from the village of Tyuluk in the Orenburg region. The history of this place is connected with a water mill, owned by a miller named Larkin, which stood between two rocks near the Tyulyuk River. You can only get to the gorge on foot, as it is located on the ter

"The Queen Pine" in the Buzuluk Forest, in the Orenburg region, is truly an impressive symbol of natural wisdom and beauty. Its centuries-old history and majestic dimensions make it a real treasure of nature, worthy of admiration and respect. This tree is not just standing in the forest — it has penetrated the hearts of many people with its amazin

Пещера, расположенная в 6 км вниз по течению от деревни Тимирово, представляет собой удивительное место, которое можно достичь как сплавляясь по реке, так и на машине, следуя по проселочной дороге до Тимирово и далее поворачивая направо, пересекая реку несколько раз в брод. Описание пещеры напоминает змееподобный коридор с расширением под потолком

Данный брод проходится с удовольствием на босую ногу с обувью в руках. Примечательное послание для туриста можно увидеть при подходе на камне... Добавить элемент в рукотворный мост становится увлекательным и небольшим ритуалом.

Обустроенный источник чистой питьевой воды, расположенный на окраине села Соловцовка в Пензенской области. Над родником в 1917 году была установлена небольшая каменная часовня в честь святой Великомученицы Параскевы Пятницы. Старые легенды гласят, что в давние времена здесь проходила сама Параскева, остановилась на месте и ударила своим посохом по

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