The Sorochinskoye Reservoir, located near Sorochinsk in the Orenburg region, is a significant artificial reservoir. It was created in 1997 and is located 402 km from the mouth of the Samara River. Its length along the Samara River is 28 km, and along the Bolshoi Uran River - 18 km. At a normal retaining level, the surface area of the reservoir is 3
Interesting places: Sorochinskiy gorodskoy okrug
On the outskirts of the village of Pervokrasnoye, in the Sorochinsky district of the Orenburg region, there is an architectural heritage - an old abandoned building that once served as a mill. Externally, the building has long been abandoned, but inside, various mechanisms associated with flour milling continue to exist. Judging by the state of pre
Памятник природы Красные Камни находится на правом берегу реки Малый Уран в 2 - 2,5 километрах к юго-востоку от села Первокрасное, на границе Сорочинского и Новосергиевского районов. Обрыв высотой до 15 метров с нишами, арками, вертикальными трещинами, зубцами. Издалека обрыв напоминает крепостную стену с бастионами. Эти обрывы смотрятся очень живо
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