Cheese Stone, named for its porous structure, reminiscent of cheese. The origin of these ancient monoliths is attributed to an earthquake that occurred 80 thousand years ago. This place is considered a place of power, where powerful energy is felt. The ancient Ubykh peoples who inhabited the territory of Sochi considered this place sacred and worsh
Interesting places #stone
The history of the creation of Yekaterinburg is connected with the activities of V.N. Tatishchev and Major General V.I. de Gennina. Initially, it was planned to build a plant at the Uktus plant, but due to obstacles from the Berg College and the conflict between Tatishchev and the Demidovs, this plan was canceled. Instead, a new location was chosen
Moonstone is an artifact in the Svir Gorge in Sochi, which is a throne-shaped stone block approximately 5 meters in size. Some researchers suggest that this stone was subjected to special processing in ancient times. This hypothesis makes it an object of historical significance and a state-recognized monument, which ensures its protection. Accordi
Конь-Камень — причудливое нагромождение глыб кварцитовидного песчаника из аптского яруса на склоне долины реки Красивой Мечи рядом с селом Козье Ефремовского района Тульской области. Вес камня более 20 тонн. Конь-Камень стоит на трёх других валунах как на ногах. Он напоминает по форме конскую голову (или, по другому мнению, тело). Его окружают друг