On July 8, 2011, before the celebration of the All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, a sculptural composition dedicated to Peter and Fevronia was installed in the park on Glory Square in the Russian city of Samara. This monument has become a significant place in the city, attracting the attention of newlyweds on their important day. The hei
Interesting places: Samara Region - Page 3
In May 1977, in Samara, a monument to the outstanding figure - Hero of the Soviet Union and twice Hero of Socialist Labor Dmitry Fyodorovich Ustinov was solemnly unveiled. Born in this city, Ustinov became known worldwide for his contributions to the military and defense industry. The monument was created as a sign of gratitude and respect for his
The building of the Samara State Philharmonic, as it can be seen today, stands on the site of the former circus-theater "Olymp." This circus was built in 1907 according to the design by architect Platon Vasilyevich Shamansky and was located closer to the intersection of modern Frunze and L. Tolstoy streets. The circus building had an elegant exteri
The Ladya monument in Samara occupies a special place among the city’s attractions and symbolizes its connection with the Volga, an important transport artery that is historically and culturally significant for the region. Its choice as a monument-symbol of the city is due not only to its aesthetic appeal, but also to its historical and cultural as
The Samara Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after D. D. Shostakovich is a famous musical institution in Samara. It was founded in 1931 and opened its first season with Modest Mussorgsky's Boris Godunov. Already in the first year of its existence, the theater expanded its repertoire to include ballet performances: the first ballet, which was
Regional Historical and Local Lore Museum of the city of Samara, named after P.V. Alabin is a statesman and public figure, journalist, military writer and honorary citizen of some cities, including Samara. Samara Museum named after. Alabina is one of the oldest museums in the Volga region. The museum project was presented at a meeting of the city c
The lovers' bench installed on the Volga River embankment in Samara has become a beautiful art object and one of the city's attractions. Its installation, initiated by the employees of the "Pro Gorod" newspaper, took place on July 12, 2013, and since then it has been attracting the attention of both local residents and city guests. The main featur
In 1986, not far from the river station in Samara, the Parus fountain was opened, which became one of the most recognizable symbols of the city. The author of the fountain project was Nikolai Nikitin, the chief architect of the Kuibyshev Aviation Plant. This fountain was created from reinforced concrete and symbolized the sails of ships. It was ded
In 1926, in the historical heart of Samara, one of its iconic squares was named Samarskaya Square. However, it was only in the 1960s that an attractive square was created nearby, adding coziness and beauty to the surroundings. In 1975, as a tribute to the heroic past, a passage to the Volga River was opened through the square, named Victory Passage
The Church of St. George the Victorious, built in the 19th century in the old Russian-Byzantine style, is a symbol of memory and faith. It is dedicated to the 1000th anniversary of the baptism of Rus' and the 55th anniversary of the Great Victory. Construction of the Temple began on June 22, 1999, with a ceremony to illuminate the construction site
Samara occupied an important place in the development of the USSR space program. It was here that the Vostok rocket, which carried out the historic first manned flight into space, was assembled. These significant events could not go unnoticed in the history of the city. In 2001, an authentic R-7 missile was installed on Lenin Avenue, on Kozlov Squ
Во времена Второй мировой войны именно Самара заняла почетное место запасной столицы. Именно сюда планировалось перевести все правительство, здесь были построены бомбоубежища для высших чинов, а также сюда в период с 1941 по 1943 переехали многие посольства иностранных государств. Судьба зданий, в которые переезжали посольства, разнообразны –
Памятный знак, посвященный расположенному некогда на этой территории государству Волжская Булгария находится на склоне горы Попова на окраине села Ширяево. Он представляет собой водруженную на постамент фигуру мифического зверя - крылатого барса, считавшегося у булгар священным и олицетворявшим силу, проворство и смелость. Барс размест
Мельница возведена в 1890 г. купцом-хлеботорговцем из старообрядцев Николаем Лаврентьевичем Малюшкиным. Здесь же в Екатериновке этому купцу принадлежали три двухэтажных каменных магазина и большой двухэтажный белокаменный дом. Свой магазин и три дома на Посадской улице были у Н. Л. Малюшкина и в Ставрополе. Паровая мельница из красного кирпича с вы
Памятник Дяде Стёпе - литературному герою С.Михалкова, был открыт в 2015 году, к 80-летию знаменитого произведения о добром и справедливом милиционере. Автор - З.Церетели. Примерно 6-метровый дядя Стёпа, отлитый из бронзы, шагает по Ленинградской в окружении детишек и собачки. Черты лица его напоминают старшину милиции Малинина О.П., проработавшего
Скульптура Юрия Деточкина - главного героя фильма "Берегись автомобиля", установлена на Комсомольской площади перед железнодорожным вокзалом в 2012 году, к 85-летию режиссера фильма Эльдара Рязанова. Изображает Деточкина в финальной сцене.
Памятник российскому спасателю установлен в декабре 2015 года в сквере на Молодогвардейской. Автор - самарский скульптор Николай Куклев. В руках спасателя символ МЧС — Звезда Надежды и Спасения, представляющая собой вытянутый по вертикали восьмиугольник, в центре которого расположен международный отличительный знак гражданской обороны — голубой тре
Зоопарка основан 16 января 1992 года. До декабря 1997 года Самарский зоопарк был передвижным , находясь летом в парке им. Ю. Гагарина, зимой — в теплицах Жигулевских садов. Кормление животных оставляло желать лучшего, как и сами условия содержания. В конце 1997 года Самарский зоопарк обрёл постоянное место прописки — в Ов
The Greve Brothers Cave is an outstanding natural attraction located in Samara, in the Sokoli Mountains, on the banks of the Volga. Its name is associated with the story of two brothers, sons of the famous pharmacist Leopold Greve. This natural monument of regional importance is a karst cave with intricate galleries and passages, the total length o
Mount Badger, one of the peaks of the Sokoli Mountains, attracts the attention of tourists and outdoor enthusiasts in Samara. Located almost within the city limits, it is famous for its tourist camp located near the peak, where climbers and simply nature lovers often come to relax. On a rocky cliff under the mountain there is a climbing wall "Bard
The House with Elephants, the former dacha of Konstantin Golovkin, located at Sovetskaya Armii Street, 292 in Samara, is an architectural monument and an object of cultural heritage of Russia. Built in the Art Nouveau style in 1908-1909, this house was the result of the joint work of Golovkin himself and the architect Valentin Vladimirovich Tepfer.