The Witch's Fang is a unique natural formation, a remnant of rock that attracts attention with its unusual shape and mystical name. It is located in the Kalachevsky district of the Volgograd region, just 110 kilometers from Volgograd, on the banks of the Don River. However, to get to the Witch's Fang, you must take into account that it is not visi
Interesting places: Kalachyovskiy rayon
Арка шлюза №13 Волго-Донской канала, соединяющего реки Волгу и Дон в месте их максимального сближения на волгодонском перешейке и одновременно обеспечивающего связь Каспийского моря с Мировым океаном. Звено единой глубоководной транспортной системы европейской части России. Построен в начале 1950-х годов, одна из Великих строек коммунизма.
The Golubinsky sand massif is a unique territory that deserves special attention to preserve the rich diversity of flora and fauna. Located on the left bank of the Don River, it represents a significant area of natural landscape, which was recognized as a complex natural monument and a specially protected natural area of regional importance. This
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