
  • Курманаевская пещера. Photo 1
  • Курманаевская пещера. Photo 2
  • Курманаевская пещера. Photo 3
  • Курманаевская пещера. Photo 4


The Kurmanaevsky caves are an amazing natural phenomenon located in the vicinity of the village of Kurmanaevsky on the Aurgazy River, in the modern Aurgazinsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan. These caves were described back in 1847 in the Journal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where the author of the article, Mr. Losievsky, describes in detail the study of underground corridors.

According to the description, the Kurmanaevsky caves have four entrances, three of which are located nearby in a small ravine on the outskirts of the village, and the fourth entrance is in the neighboring garden. In the caves, funnels and cracks were found that serve to drain rain and snow water, as well as underground lakes.

Researchers descended into caves equipped with lanterns and a torch, and discovered various underground corridors and grottoes with alabaster vaults. Inside the caves there are also lakes covered with ice, which provide a source of fresh and cold water for local residents.

The described caves are a unique natural formation with gloomy grottoes and mysterious corridors that attract the attention of researchers and adventure lovers.


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