Interesting places #volcano

Elbrus is a majestic stratovolcano located in the Caucasus. It is the highest mountain peak in Russia and Europe, if we draw the border between Europe and Asia along the Main Caucasus Range or further south. Included in the “Seven Summits” list of the highest peaks of the world, Elbrus rises in the Lateral Range of the Greater Caucasus, just 10 km

The Jau-Tepe hill is a mud volcano located on the territory of the Kerch Peninsula. This is the most famous of the group of volcanoes located in the Republic of Crimea. The total number of mud volcanoes on the Kerch Peninsula is about 50. Such mud volcanoes are geological formations. In their structure, they are similar to traditional volcanoes: on

The Hephaestus volcano is a mud volcano, the eruptions of which generate hilly mud. These muds have become a popular remedy for the treatment of various diseases due to the content of beneficial substances such as sulfur, carbon dioxide, hormone-like elements and phytoncides. Penetrating through the skin, these substances enhance the vital function

The mud volcano Akhtanizovskaya Sopka, or Akhtanizovskaya vomit, is a unique natural phenomenon that attracts the attention of tourists and scientists. Its peculiarity is the presence of a cone of bluish clay at the top, which periodically spews mud flows and gases. The name of the volcano comes from the name of the Akhtanizovskaya station and the

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