Blue Shikhan, also known as Blue Stone, is a rock outcrop located on the left bank of the Ural River in the Chelyabinsk region. This geological natural monument is known for its quartz porphyrites of light lilac color. A rare complex of plants protected by law grows on the slopes of the rock. Blue Shikhan has a unique geological and historical his
Interesting places #shihan
Toratau, or Toratau (Bashkir: Toratau - "fortress-mountain"), also known as Shikhan, is a shihan, a lone mountain in the Ishimbay region of the Republic of Bashkortostan. He is the symbol of the city of Ishimbay and the Ishimbay region, depicted on their coats of arms and flags. Toratau is also recognized as an archaeological and natural monument a
Shikhan Yuraktau, also known as “heart-mountain” in translation from the Bashkir language, is a unique natural formation in the Sterlitamak region of Bashkortostan. This lone mountain was recognized as a natural monument in 1985. It is a remnant of the Lower Permian reef massif, which formed more than 230 million years ago in a tropical sea. Yurak
Куштау— шихан, гора-одиночка в Ишимбайском районе Башкортостана, находящаяся в 18 км к востоку от города Стерлитамака и в 140 км к югу от города Уфы и включённая в Список геологического наследия всемирного значения «GEOSITES». Один из цепочки некогда четырёх шиханов в окрестностях Стерлитамака наряду с Торатау, Юрактау и нын