North Caucasus Astronomical Station (SCAS)


  • Северо-Кавказская астрономическая станция (СКАС). Photography 1


The North Caucasus Astronomical Station of the Kazan Federal University (SCAS KFU) is a significant astronomical observatory located in the Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia, Russia. SKAS KFU is engaged in a variety of astronomical research, including astrometry, astrophotography, observations of comets, asteroids and other space objects.

Historically, the observatory began its activities under the name “Karachay-Cherkessian Expedition of KSU” in 1975, and since 2004 it received the status of an astronomical station of Kazan University. Later, the unofficial name “North Caucasus Astronomical Station of KSU” was also adopted.

The station conducts observations using various astronomical instruments, including the 40 cm Zeiss astrograph and the 38 cm high-aperture Schmidt camera. The station also takes part in educational programs, including internships for students of the Department of Astronomy at Kazan University.

The observatory's history involves the relocation and refurbishment of equipment from other expeditions and laboratories, such as the Ordubad Expedition and the Nihichevan Expedition, allowing for the use of many valuable sources of data and experience.

Although the observatory has had its challenges and changes over the course of its development, it remains an important center for astronomical research and education in the region.


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