Monument to the Second World War (Nizhnyaya Pavlovka)



  • Памятник войнам ВОВ (Нижняя Павловка). Photo 1


The monument to the residents of the village of Nizhnyaya Pavlovka in the Orenburg region, who perished on the front lines during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, stands as a symbol of eternal memory and respect for the heroic deeds of Soviet soldiers. Mounted on a tall pedestal, the monument depicts a Red Army soldier in winter military uniform, holding a soldier's winter hat and a Shpagin submachine gun (PPSh-41).

Behind the soldier stands a wall with memorial plaques bearing the names of all the villagers who died for their Motherland. This creates an atmosphere of everlasting memory and respect for those who gave their lives in the struggle for the liberation of their homeland.

The monument serves as a venue for regular flower-laying ceremonies and wedding ceremonies, emphasizing its importance and symbolic significance for the villagers. Every year on May 9, Victory Day, solemn events are held here, where people gather to honor the memory of the fallen and pay tribute to their courage and sacrifice. Well-maintained flower beds with live flowers surrounding the monument add to the area's special beauty and symbolism.


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